Another year has come and past. Though on a global and national level, 2016 was a nightmare filled with some scary events and we can only hope our fears and worries will not be as heavy as we expected in the 2017 time span. Regardless, let’s take a look at my goals for 2016 and see how bad or good I did along with 2017 goals related to these topics:
BRASS COLLAR GAMES – Well, my work keeps getting stalled under a wave of financial needs and personal life chaos. Regardless, this year we were stalled after realizing we needed to fix a few things and then I had to open my mouth and start work on a new system. Again, I am hoping to have “Creating a Character” on testing terms in the new year as well as finish a rough-in of the “Karma System” I have developed for players and their characters. Again, keep an eye out on updates and even the occasional twitch discussion/gameplay sessions to come!
JUDGMENT – I had set this for Summer release, but overall, I managed to get it up for preorder in December. Better late than never! So be sure to preorder your digital copies and look forward to paperback releases March 1st!
ORACLE – It was running way behind, then I managed to finish the first draft and turned my focus on Judgment. Despite it all, I have this ready for editing and hoping to polish and have preorders up in Spring of 2017.
BLOG – Transitioning to WordPress to some time, but everything is moved over for the most part. It has been far easier for readers to follow and track my posts and the layout looks much sharper. Aiming to keep my weekly blog posting of VTMAS rolling through 2017!
TYPESETTING – This has slowed down tremendously. 2016 beat up a lot of people and with failing health of myself, parents and even my kids throughout this year, I haven’t been pushing my services for this.
NANOWRIMO 2016 – NanoWrimo Camp gave me the drive to finish Oracle in record timing, but as for November, I settled to be everyone’s support system and cheerleader. It was the first time I did not win my November entry, but I did break ground on The Cedric Series book 4, Eye of Gaea!
So not all pretty, but moving forward in a few ways. 2016 wasn’t all bad, there were several awesome life/career goals met that I did not expect to happen. These will add on to my list of things I want to follow and chase after:
GHOSTWRITING – I landed a wonderful job as a ghostwriter which has been helping me fill in my financial needs. Granted my current family crisis has even delayed this a few times, I am hoping to keep this moving and a constant pillar in my Author career.
WORKSHOP HOST – Thanks to Racquel Henry and Writer’s Atelier, I had a wonderful opportunity to host a Workshop on Character Development in July 2016. It was a HUGE success! After a few chats, I plan on hosting many more in 2017 and super excited to be able to inspire many in my local writing community.
LIVE READINGS – I started this in May 2016, as a means to practice, learn, experiment, get instant feedback, and get to know some more local writers and storytellers. Now I am addicted and look forward to doing this 2-3 times a month! So if you are ever in Orlando, be sure to see what Writers of Central Florida & Thereabouts have on the calendar for Open Mic Nights!
AUTHOR SIGNING – This was something I had not expected to get to do in 2016! December, Orlando’s Downtown Library hosted a Local Author Festival and I was invited to attend! I look forward to being able to do more events like this and chat to readers in the future! Thank you to those who came out to see me and give me some hugs! It meant a lot to me!
SHORT STORIES – I have been developing a lot of short stories as of late. Most have not been put out publicly since they are all in a pending state of waiting to see if they are accepted by a wide variety of magazines and anthologies. Hopefully in 2017 I can start announcing what stories have been included where. Regardless, if I feel no traction seems to be gained, look out for a 2018 announcement for a short story collection!
DEMONIC WILDLIFE ANTHOLOGY – I plan on pulling together a funny horror fantasy collection in time for Halloween season. Writers are welcome to submit! Readers keep an eye out for news! Find out more over on my website:
EYE OF GAEA – This is book 4 in The Cedric Series. Hopefully I will have more news on its status and possible pre order status by Fall 2017.
DEATH – This is book 3, the final piece to the Tattooed Angels Trilogy. Again, I hope to have more news for everyone by Fall on where this sits and release date to come.
WHITE RAM LAW ASSOCIATES – As the books move further down the plot line for The Cedric Series, there is a good chance I will start writing the spin-off parallel story of WHITE RAM. This will give the readers a chance to follow Pan and Selena’s story of trying to re-establish the demonic world now that Merlin/Kronos is missing in action. Look for news in the future on this. Until then, enjoy a short story experiment on .
FROM THE RIVER – This is also intended to be a spin-off from The Cedric Series which follows one known character and a set of new characters inspired by South American Urban Legends and mythology. The story is more focused on the Romance than in the other installments. You can read the test run of the earlier chapters on .
DAEMONIS – Meant to be a High Epic Fantasy piece based on a BIZARRE dream I had. I may fiddle with this vampirisk victorian medieval feeling novel off and on. Nothing set in stone. Again, you can read my experimental attempts via .
I think that covers all that I have on my plate and looking forward to working on. Here’s to a 2017 full of achievements and look forward to future Book Reviews from you all! HINT HINT WINK WINK!
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